Cultivation and enjoyment of Cannabis sacrament is a fundamental human right provided by God and protected by the first Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. It is our opinion that Cannabis is the original sacrament of Hebrew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, Rasta and more, and fulfills the prophesies to ‘raise up for them a plant of renown…’
Like the stone of the Bible that the builders rejected, the sacramental use of Cannabis is the cornerstone of the THC Ministry. Our Ministry helps to build your mana by providing a real education in practical Cannabis spirituality. Among other wonderful things, our Ministry helps to protect you from arrest, prosecution and/or conviction of ‘marijuana’ charges – wherever you live – starting as soon as you sign-up, become ordained and receive your ministry documents. We provide a legitimate religious ‘defense to prosecution‘ for sincere practitioners over 21 years old. As in Revelations 22-14, our Mission is to protect your God-given Right to “the tree of life.” If you are under 21-years old, you can still join the ministry if you (1) live independent of your parents, or (2) have your parent’s written permission.
We give thanks to all those in law enforcement who honor their sworn oath of office to defend the Constitutional right to practice our religion as our conscience dictates.
Some day Cannabis and hemp will be legal again in the U.S.A. and all over the world for everyone.
Mahalo and aloha.
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God, that’s great!
Please show us the blessings in this situation…
And hurry!
We are safe. We are loved, and all is well.
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